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Solutions for Hearing Loss
Author:   Source:   Time:2014-03-18   Hits:2679


Sensorineural Hearing Loss

About 95% of hearing loss cases are issues of sensorineural hearing loss, commonly referred to as "nerve damage." This type of hearing loss is usually gradual, and rarely able to be helped with medical treatment. Among the most common symptoms are a loss of clarity in understanding speech. Hearing aids are almost always the only solution that can provide adequate relief for this type of hearing loss. A hearing test is essential to determine if this is the kind of hearing loss that you are experiencing.


What Is the Best Hearing Aid?

With the incredible advances in hearing aid technology in recent years, some manufacturers report patient satisfaction levels over 90%. With this high rate of satisfaction, many people ask, "What is the best hearing aid?" The truth is, there is no "best" hearing aid; it is all dependent on finding the right solution for each individual's unique needs. So instead of asking, "What's the best hearing aid?", the question you should ask is, "What's the best hearing aid for me?" The answer to that question involves not only the type and degree of your hearing loss, but also your lifestyle, budget, and the communication settings that you most frequently encounter. Your Hearing Consultant can help talkto you through the process of narrowing down the choices that are best for you.